
Meet the new state lottery! Tickets are already on sale

Zolotaya Podkova (Golden Horseshoe) game is always on until the 87th move!


The ancient Chinese believed that a solution to a difficult situation will arise, if one rings a bell and calls for good spirits to help. And our ancestors, the Slavs, hang a horseshoe over the entrance of a house for luck to never leave.

Dear friends! We have prepared a real surprise for fans of lotteries.

Golden Horseshoe is a lottery for good luck!

When Russian lotto game goes to 87th move: everyone is playing! It is understandable, because there are more winners than usual. But it is not always that 3 kegs are left in a sack. Now imagine that there is a lottery which lasts until 87th move! Do not believe? This is Zolotaya Podkova, the only bingo lottery in which every game is going until 87 move. It is already possible to buy tickets in all retail sales points.

But that is not all! Cash prizes will be played in each drawing! You will see on the tickets the amount of the prize fund for each drawing. It should be noted that the prize is minimum 1 000 000 rubles!

In addition, each ticket contains superstitious beliefs from House Spirit, good-natured and caring symbol of the new lottery. You will know how to lure good luck. Do you know if the left palm itches it means some money will come soon?

Collect tickets: superstitious beliefs are always different!

The lottery rules


The ticket has 2 game fields, 15 numbers in each.

The drawing is held with a lottery machine, which is loaded with balls, numbered from 1 to 90. One after another balls fall, and participants find and mark the corresponding winning number in their tickets.

Winnings are determined in several rounds:

1st round — those tickets win, in which 5 numbers in any horizontal line of any of the playing field (upper or lower) will match numbers dropped out by the drawing numbers.
2nd round — those tickets win, in which 15 numbers of one of the ticket fields (upper or lower) will match numbers dropped out by the drawing numbers sooner than other tickets.

3rd and following tours — those tickets win, in which 30 numbers of the two playing fields of the ticket will match numbers dropped out by the drawing numbers sooner than other tickets.

You were the first one who crossed the first 5 numbers in the first round after the first moves? Congratulations, you have won the super prize! Which? Watch for announcements, and you will find out. Believe us, it’s worth it!

September 6 is the first drawing!

Zolotaya Podkova drawings, the first of which starts on September 6, will be held weekly on Sundays, at 8:15 am, during the show Russian Lotto Plus on NTV. Tickets, as any other bingo lottery ticket, cost only 50 rubles!!

Zolotaya Podkova tickets are on sale now! Get them today and remember that beginners are lucky! And if you have already purchased tickets and now waiting for the drawing to start, go to stoloto.ru website, select your favorite lottery and bet.

Good luck!

*The total amount of cash played in the drawing shall not be less then indicated on the front side of a ticket.

14 АВГУСТА 2015